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omc XML output with annoations

omc XML output with annoations

I am new to Modelica; so please excuse my ignorance here. We are trying to use omc to export modelica models to some format where we could read the annotations that are included in the model. XML output would be preferable.

I have been working with the following trivial model:

I have been using the following command to export to XML:


omc -s --simCodeTarget=XML --showStructuralAnnotations=true --showAnnotations=true

My omc version is: OpenModelica 1.16.0~dev.03-2-g99ae661

The XML is generated without error; and I see a vendor annotation in the XML. I do not see any content from my annotation though. My understanding of annotations in modelica is that tools that transform models are "supposed" to maintain the annotation content. Is it possible to get the compiler to include annotation content?

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