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OMEdit fails to launch Users Guide properly on Windows 10

OMEdit fails to launch Users Guide properly on Windows 10

After a default install of OpenModelica v1.14.1 (64-bit) on Windows 10

When in OMEdit, I try to launch the online help using F1 or via Help>OpenModelica Users Guide

The output in the Messages Browser is:

Scripting Error
Unable to open file
file:///C:/Program Files/OpenModelica1.14.1-64bit//share/doc/omc/OpenModelicaUsersGuide/index.html.

The problem is the same for Help>System Documentation

where the output is:

Scripting Error
Unable to open file
file:///C:/Program Files/OpenModelica1.14.1-64bit//share/doc/omc/SystemDocumentation/OpenModelicaSystem.pdf.

I think the path is almost right, and I think the problem may be with the repeated forward slashes in the path.
This would appear to be a bug.
How can I fix it?

Edited by: winchuff - Apr-17-20 21:33:07

Re: OMEdit fails to launch Users Guide properly on Windows 10

Can you see if the file (C:/Program Files/OpenModelica1.14.1-64bit//share/doc/omc/OpenModelicaUsersGuide/index.html) actually exists?


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