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Location of inlet/outlet of enhancedstratified tank in Building Lib.

Location of inlet/outlet of enhancedstratified tank in Building Lib.

Dear all,

I am currently working on developing models of stratified storage tanks via buildings library in OpenModelica. The comparison that has been already made between Stratified and Enhanced Stratified tanks in this library is my interest; However, I would like to simulate the situation that the tank is fully charged and it is going to be discharged. Therefore, I would have inlet and outlet at the bottom and top of the tank respectively which is opposite in built-in example. I have done it for the Stratified tank easily, but the situation will be complicated for the Enhanced Stratified tank as it includes "str" and "H_Vol_Flow" that act as links between ports and mixing volume component. I would be very grateful if you could help me with this regard?

Kind regards,


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