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Real array to external c function

Real array to external c function

I need to pass a Modelica (real) array to a external object. The function looks like this:

function addSurfaceObjectData "addSurfaceObjectData"
  input Blender.Types.SurfaceObject component;

  input Real[:,:] X;
  external "C" addSurfaceObjectData(component, X);
end addSurfaceObjectData;

The corresponding c-function is something like:
void addSurfaceObjectData(void* object, double * x_array) {..

As far as I remember, this is currently not implemented in OpenModelica. Is that right?
Is there any workaround?


Re: Real array to external c function

No really good workaround yet. Also see , which is the same as this bug current/smile

(Actually, just passing the array is working in the trunk; it's only passing array dimensions that is a problem. The latest Windows nightly build is probably too old though)

Re: Real array to external c function


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