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OpenModelica library/model for HVAC

OpenModelica library/model for HVAC


I am looking to develop an OpenModelica model for HVAC simulation.

I find some Modelica libraries, like BuildingSystems library, which has been developed/tested on other tools, but do not exactly work the same way / failed on OppenModelica because of apparently compatibility  issues as I see mentioned in blogs.

Is there a HVAC library that is tested for /works with OpenModelica ?

Also, it would be helpful to know if there are any examples or papers reflecting/explaining the use of the model.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Edited by: shamikch - Oct-11-19 11:44:09

Re: OpenModelica library/model for HVAC


Did you find a solution to your problem?
I am also searching for a similar library.

I am building an AHU model.

Please let me know if you can help.


Re: OpenModelica library/model for HVAC

Aswell looking for an HVAC library that works with OM. Curious how much effort it would be to build it based on the Media and Fluids Packages.

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