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Declaring Medium for Library Components

Declaring Medium for Library Components

Hello Modelica Community,

I've recently came into new issues with declaring new types of mediums for parts taken from the Modelica Library. Most errors that occur from components taken from the Modelica Library usually pertain to


Error: component volume contains the definition of a partial class Medium.

Please redeclare it to any package compatible with Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium.

I understand that a "simple" fix for this, is to dig into the code and use the lines


 replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium 

and change the respected medium to whatever you desire.

My issue pertains to the Combustion Chamber model particularly, where there are over 5000 lines of code and multiple instances of declarations of mediums needed throughout the code.

What is the best method of declaring mediums for large models with thousands of lines of code, with multiple instances of declarations needed?

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