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Are those OMEdit large buttons always needed?

Are those OMEdit large buttons always needed?

Starting from a few months ago, OMEdit's variable browser has started to carry very large buttons: rewind, play, pause, as well as Time and Speed edits.
I understand that they are needed only when array of values are computed over time and, probably, when 3d visualisation of multibody models are required.

This meas that in a huge category of models, those without multibody and without arrays these buttons, which occupy a large amount of precious Variable Browser space, are unneeded.
However it seems to me that they cannot be hidden. Am I wright or do I miss something?

Edited by: ceraolo - Feb-01-19 23:30:01

Re: Are those OMEdit large buttons always needed?

It's a fixed toolbar you can't hide it.


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