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Compare simulation results from different runs in the same plot window

Compare simulation results from different runs in the same plot window

I have created a model and would like to compare the impact of a change in the model on the results in OMEdit.
In Dymola the varaibel explorer gives access to the results of all revious simulation runs. In OMEdit there is a root node only the last run.

How can I keep the results of the latest run to compare it with the new simulation run?

Re: Compare simulation results from different runs in the same plot window

By default, the result file name is inherited from the model name, e.g. "package.my_model_res.mat". Thus, at the new simulation run the old result file will be overwritten. There are two possible solutions for your problem:

1. Change the name of the result file for each new simulation in the output tab of the simulation settings dialog
    → Simulation | Simulation Setup | Output | Result File (Optional)

2. Duplicate your model and make your changes in the copy

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