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if else command when rounding numbers

if else command when rounding numbers

I have a problem using modelica.. I am supposed to enter an equation in order to round to whole numbers using an if else command but i can't seem to figure it out on my own..
Can anyone help me?
My suggestion was something like this, but it doesn't work

if (omega_help(t_sol) > 0) then integer(floor(omega_help(t_sol) + 0.5)) else integer(ceil(omega_help(t_sol) - 0.5));

thank you in advance!

Re: if else command when rounding numbers

What is the issue? It seems to work for me.

Edited by: lochel - Jun-27-17 11:21:31

Re: if else command when rounding numbers

(line 452)
I don't know why it doesn't work..

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