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OM FMUs 2.0 CoSimulation can't be imported in AutomationStudio 4.2

OM FMUs 2.0 CoSimulation can't be imported in AutomationStudio 4.2


I'm working on Windows 7 32bits with OM 1.12 and AutomationStudio 4.2 32bits.
I exported my FMU 2.0 CoSimulation model because this is the configuration that need AutomationStudio but i can't import the Librarie.

So i tried to import an other FMU (MapleSim FMU at … rder=name) and it worked perfectly. How can i fixe it in OpenModelica ? Thank you.

Best regards.

Grégory Laronche

Re: OM FMUs 2.0 CoSimulation can't be imported in AutomationStudio 4.2

Up! current/smile
Is the FMU 2.0 Co-Simulation by OpenModelica standard ? Thanks

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