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How to appear OpenModelicaBuilder on Eclipse

How to appear OpenModelicaBuilder on Eclipse


I tried to compile OMC on Windows7 with reference to the following URL.
Compiling OMC using OMDev package

When I tried to do "•Editing the OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder " that is in "Compiling OMC using Eclipse", I haven't found "OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder" in Builders of "Properties for OpenModelica".
Attached picture is my "Properties for OpenModelica" window.

I think It may cause by path of "OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder32bit.launch" or "OMDev-MINGW-OpenModelicaBuilder64bit.launch" files.
But I don't know how to set the proper path.

Please tell me how to fix this problem?

OMDev path of my PC is C:\OMDev.
OpenModelica path of my PC is C:\OMDev\OpenModelica.

Edited by: Ueda - Apr-19-17 10:32:22
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