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Complie error: Error occured while flattening model

Complie error: Error occured while flattening model

I'm copying the moon landing class from the ModelicaTutorialFritzson.pdf which comes with the program, page 25-26.
However, when I use the simulate function (also copied from the slides), an error occurred.
Please help.

This is the original code, I didn't modify anything:


>>class CelestialBody
constant Real g = 6.672e-11;
parameter Real radius;
parameter String name;
parameter Real mass;
end CelestialBody;


>>class MoonLanding
parameter Real force1 = 36350;
parameter Real force2 = 1308;
parameter Real thrustEndTime = 210;
parameter Real thrustDecreaseTime = 43.2;
Rocket apollo(name="apollo13");
CelestialBody moon(name="moon",mass=7.382e22,radius=1.738e6);
apollo.thrust = if (time < thrustDecreaseTime) then force1
else if (time < thrustEndTime) then force2
else 0;
end MoonLanding;


>>simulate(MoonLanding, stopTime=230)
record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "Simulation failed.
[b]Error: Error occured while flattening model MoonLanding[/b]
end SimulationResult;

Re: Complie error: Error occured while flattening model

Where is the Rocket class? You need that too.
What OpenModelica version/revision are you using?

Adrian Pop/

Re: Complie error: Error occured while flattening model

Thanks! I was careless to include Rocket class.
I am using OpenModelica 1.5.0.

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