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Plot Window does not hold

Plot Window does not hold

I'm having trouble with the plot window, it used to hold when I plot multiple graphs, but now it doesn't hold, only displaying the most recent graph. I have made sure the "Hold" button is active, as the screenshot shows.:

I'm using windows version 1.5.0, OS is windows 7.
I'm using the same variable to make different plots, by modifying the code slightly to show difference.
Please tell me what is going wrong.

Edited by: calnastic - Feb-13-11 04:51:36

Re: Plot Window does not hold

Why not OpenModelica 1.6.0? I think the hold issue was present in 1.5.0.
As far as I remember it works fine in 1.6.0.

Adrian Pop/

Re: Plot Window does not hold

Thank you, I'll try 1.6.0. Really appreciate your information!

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