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Read from Microphone and Write to Speaker

Read from Microphone and Write to Speaker


As the title says, I want to figure out how to use microphone (or possibly any sound related stuff)  as the source and speakers as the output.

Something like in this tutorial for Simulink : Link

Or something like what this picture suggests:

After many hours of searching I am starting to think that modelica doesn't support this type of things, but maybe you guys know about something.

Thank you!

Re: Read from Microphone and Write to Speaker

I think that you can do this either using OPC-UA or Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI). But there are a few problems:
1) OPC-UA might have two high of latency to use with a sound input. Maybe someone else can can confirm this. Also, the OPC documentation seems to be out of date.
2) If you use FMI, it looks like you have to incorporate the exported code into some other program.

Maybe someone else can list more options.

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