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OM membership for web applications

OM membership for web applications

Hi all,

The question is what kind of membership should one take (level1 or 2) in order to develop a web application that runs Modelica models at client request. Imagine that within a web interface you are able to set-up some parameters and run case studies. Is it enough to have a Level 1 membership since no binary is deployed on "external" machines.

For your info:

A Level 1 membership is a basic membership level that allows the member to combine OpenModelica with proprietary code for internal use according to the OSMC-Internal-EPL mode of the OSMC Public License.

A Level 2 membership is a membership level that allows the member to combine OpenModelica with proprietary code for internal use and/or external distribution in binary form according to the OSMC-External-EPL mode of the OSMC Public License.

Re: OM membership for web applications


Please send this question to

Adrian Pop/

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