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Help with 'Parser error: Unexpected token'
Help with 'Parser error: Unexpected token'
I am having difficulty with running an example on my HP notebook with Windows XP, the latest Modelica, and OMNotebook.
I am going through the user manual and I have input the bouncing ball model:
model BouncingBall
parameter Real e=0.7 "coefficient of restitution";
reinit(v, v_new);
end when;
end BouncingBall;
And saved it in a folder 'My exercizes' where I have stored and executed other examples. This folder is at the same level as bin and lib.
When I try to run:
simulate(BouncingBall, start=0, end=5s);
I get:
[<interactive>:1:0-1:7:writable] Error: Parser error: Unexpected token near: simulate (IDENT)
From this description, what process should I go through to identify the problem?
Re: Help with 'Parser error: Unexpected token'
Well, it doesn't parse so look for parse errors.
simulate(BouncingBall, start=0, end=5s);
5s is not a Modelica token.
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: Help with 'Parser error: Unexpected token'
Also, note that correct is:
simulate(Model, startTime=0, stopTime=0)
not with start/end.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: Help with 'Parser error: Unexpected token'
What page? I can fix it myself so at next build we can have a correct version.
You can report bugs/errors in these places:
- here on the forum
- in our Bug tracker:
https://openmodelica.org:8443/cb/proj/t … acker_id=1
- via email to openmodelica@ida.liu.se
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: Help with 'Parser error: Unexpected token'
Found it and fixed it in revision 7905. Thanks for pointing it out.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
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