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OpenModelica FMU 1.0 co-simulation

OpenModelica FMU 1.0 co-simulation


I am trying to export a module for co-simulation from OpenModelica into MagicDraw 18.4 Unfortunately it seems that OpenModelica only exports FMU for co-simulation for FMI 2.0. MagicDraw cannot import FMI 2.0 (can only import FMI 1.0). Has anyone had any success in importing a OpenModelica model into MagicDraw for co-simulation? I can also use Rational Rhapsody or Enterprise Architect instead of MagicDraw if either of those works.

Appreciate any info. Thanks!

Re: OpenModelica FMU 1.0 co-simulation

Go to Tools->Options and in the left list you have to go to FMI. There you can choose what you need

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