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Dropdown-Menu in Parameters

Dropdown-Menu in Parameters

I'm programming a library for a project at university. In order to choose different material-parameters I want to have a dropdown-menu with all options.

The parameters ar safed as records:


record Template

constant Modelica.SIunits.Density Rho =1 "Density";
constant Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity Lambda =1 "Thermal Conductivity";
constant Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity CP = 1"Heat Capcacity";
record S355 = Template(Rho=7850, Lambda=54, CP=461);
record S235 = Template(Rho=7850, Lambda=54, CP=461);
end Template;

and I call them:


model insulated_Zylinder

  replaceable parameter Thermo.material_database Material = Thermo.material_database.Template() "Material"  annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);

the dropdown doesen't appear, but the parameters are selected if I insert the path of the parameter manually

Can somebody please tell me what my mistake is?


Edited by: Baertschf - Oct-11-16 16:23:45

Re: Dropdown-Menu in Parameters

We do not have yet support for choicesAllMatching and replaceable classes. Some work is under way to fix this in the near future.

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