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How to only load Mechanics module into OMEdit when it starts?

How to only load Mechanics module into OMEdit when it starts?

I am new to Modelica and OpenModelica, but I am interested on those simulations.

Recently, I am doing some simulation on engines.

Since I also have some personal usage on modelica, I only need Mechanics module of  Modelica to show in OMEdit.

Is there a way to do so?(The way to only show Mechanics from start ,not to delete other modules after start OMEdit)

I think do some changes on and package.order maybe is a way to do so?But I have no idea about how to change it to make it correct for OMEdit after some changes.

I would appreciate if anyone can offer some help on this!

Re: How to only load Mechanics module into OMEdit when it starts?


This is not currently possible.
We could probably make an enhancement in OMEdit to filter out what we display in the browser.
Note that if you delete all the other packages in OMEdit and leave only MultiBody it will not work
anymore as this package depends on some of the others.

You could add an enhancement ticket about this to our Trac:

Adrian Pop/

Re: How to only load Mechanics module into OMEdit when it starts?

Thanks for your reply current/smile !

Maybe add a filter is a better way!

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