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New to OpenModelica

New to OpenModelica

Hello OpenModelica community,

I am looking for some assistance in using OpenModelica for the first time.  It is for a specific project I have been asked to work on.  A potential client has asked me to produce a physical prototype of a coal briquette which self-heats.  Before investing in laboratory RD&D, I have suggested we do some modelling of the process to determine whether the process is thermodynamically feasible.

Essentially, I am envisaging that the self-heating mechanisms can be realised through the release and mixture of two liquid compounds whose heat of reaction would be sufficient to bring the coal to its ignition temperature.  The system would in theory be adiabatic owing to adequate insulation.  My questions in this are as follows:

1.  Is this something that can be examined using OpenModelica?
2.  Would anyone be willing to provide some assistance in familiarisation of the OpenModelica UI for this purpose?

I have some experience in thermodynamic modelling (PhD in chemical engineering).  However in the past I have relied upon Matlab and Excel.  I would like to use this opportunity to learn how to use OpenModelica.  Any assistance in this regard would be greatly appreciated.


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