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Deriving Equations for Modelica

Deriving Equations for Modelica


I'm trying to simualte a basic DC motor in OpenModelica. I'm concerned with the Output angular speed of the motor on application of a certain load.
I have been able to simulate the model and get the curve for the output angular speed. Is there a possible way by which I can get the equation for the the speed?
( What I'm trying to find is the dependecies of angular speed in terms of voltage applied,resistance,moment of inertia etc. in form of an equation)


Re: Deriving Equations for Modelica

Thanks for the answer.
But, I didn't really get the solution. I couldn't find the representative equation for the speed.
I would really appreciate if you could help.


Edited by: smaug - Jun-18-15 07:11:12

Re: Deriving Equations for Modelica

You look for the variable that you plot, double-click it. Double-click the equation that defines it, and it shows what OpenModelica uses to solve for the variable. If you need to expand one of the variables on the rhs, do so manually by looking up those variables as well. You can only really get the statements that OpenModelica used to solve the system without processing the information.

Re: Deriving Equations for Modelica

Well, Thanks

But the only equation I can see is dcpm.RotorInertia.w= $_start(dcpm.RotorInertia.w)
How do I get its dependency on Voltage(V), Inertia(J) etc.

Re: Deriving Equations for Modelica

Look for the regular equation of the derivative of the variable. State variables have no equations except for the initial value.

Re: Deriving Equations for Modelica

I am sorry, but this didn't work either.

the equation I found was der(dcpm.InertiaRotor.w)=Inertia1.a
However, Inertia1.a variable cannot be accessed.

I mean when I try to find Inertia1.a on the list on the left side, the variable is not accesible

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