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Is it possible to disable GC?

Is it possible to disable GC?

Today, maybe (see ticket 3318) OM's GC creates more problems than it solves.
As a temporary workaround, is it possible to disable somehow (e.g. with a flag) the garbage collector?

Thank you

Edited by: ceraolo - May-16-15 13:22:17

Re: Is it possible to disable GC?

I think you misunderstand.
You cannot possibly disable the garbage collector without exhausting the memory in 1 minute of using OMEdit/OMC.
The GC is needed to collect unused memory and there is no other way to do that.
I'm fighting to get the 64 bit omc for Windows ready and it will get rid of these kind of problems.

Adrian Pop/

Re: Is it possible to disable GC?

Yeah, I've never used personally garbage collecting and misunderstood its usage.
Sorry for that.

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