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Model of thermal power plant

Model of thermal power plant

Which open library of a model of thermal power plant is the best to use in open modelica?
I need to model a coal power plant  - this means economizer, drum boiler, heater, turbine and condenser.
I have tried ThermoPower 3.1, but I was not successful in compiling the examples.
Another possibility is to do a simple model of my own, but it seems to me, that OME is not a good environment for debugging a larger code.

Re: Model of thermal power plant

ThermoPower is currently in a process of redesign and the coverage is not that good:

As far as I've heard from Francesco Casella they will be ready with the changes this week and it will be much better.

Adrian Pop/

Re: Model of thermal power plant

I am looking forward to new ThermoPower.

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