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About Util
About Util
I'm not sure about Util means, in OMEdit->Simulation->Simulation Setup->Simulation Flags, Who would like to give me a detailed explaination about it? THKS
- LIWenhui
- 21 Posts
Re: About Util
omc.exe +help
- adeas
- 454 Posts
Re: About Util
nothing about util
OpenModelica Compiler 1.9.1+dev (r21519) (RML version)
Copyright © 2013 Open Source Modelica Consortium (OSMC)
Distributed under OMSC-PL and GPL, see www.openmodelica.org
Usage: omc [-runtimeOptions +omcOptions] (Model.mo | Script.mos) [Libraries | .mo-files]
* Libraries: Fully qualified names of libraries to load before processing Model or Script.
The libraries should be separated by spaces: Lib1 Lib2 ... LibN.
* runtimeOptions: call omc -help to see runtime options
* +omcOptions:
+d, +debug Sets debug flags. Use +help=debug to see available
+h, +help Displays the help text. Use +help=topics for more
++v, +version Print the version and exit.
+target Sets the target compiler to use.
Valid options: gcc, msvc
+g, +grammar Sets the grammar and semantics to accept.
Valid options: Modelica, MetaModelica, ParModelica, Optimica
+annotationVersion Sets the annotation version that should be used.
Valid options: 1.x, 2.x, 3.x
+std Sets the language standard that should be used.
Valid options: 1.x, 2.x, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
+showErrorMessages Show error messages immediately when they happen.
+showAnnotations Show annotations in the flattened code.
+noSimplify Do not simplify expressions if set.
+preOptModules Sets the pre optimization modules to use in the
back end. See +help=optmodules for more info.
Valid options:
* removeSimpleEquations
* removeAllSimpleEquations
* inlineArrayEqn
* evaluateFinalParameters
* evaluateEvaluateParameters
* evaluateFinalEvaluateParameters
* evaluateReplaceFinalParameters
* evaluateReplaceEvaluateParameters
* evaluateReplaceFinalEvaluateParameters
* evaluateReplaceProtectedFinalEvaluateParameters
* removeEqualFunctionCalls
* removeProtectedParameters
* removeUnusedParameter
* removeUnusedVariables
* clockPartitioning
* expandDerOperator
* simplifyIfEquations
* replaceEdgeChange
* residualForm
* addInitialStmtsToAlgorithms
* resolveLoops
* evalFunc
+cheapmatchingAlgorithm Sets the cheap matching algorithm to use. A cheap
matching algorithm gives a jump start matching by
Valid options:
* 0
* 1
* 3
+matchingAlgorithm Sets the matching algorithm to use. See
+help=optmodules for more info.
Valid options:
* MC21A
* PF
* PFPlus
* HK
* PR
* MC21AExt
* PFExt
* PFPlusExt
* HKExt
* PRExt
+indexReductionMethod Sets the index reduction method to use. See
+help=optmodules for more info.
Valid options:
* uode
* dynamicStateSelection
+postOptModules Sets the post optimization modules to use in the
back end. See +help=optmodules for more info.
Valid options:
* encapsulateWhenConditions
* lateInlineFunction
* removeSimpleEquationsFast
* removeSimpleEquations
* evaluateFinalParameters
* evaluateEvaluateParameters
* evaluateFinalEvaluateParameters
* evaluateReplaceFinalParameters
* evaluateReplaceEvaluateParameters
* evaluateReplaceFinalEvaluateParameters
* removeEqualFunctionCalls
* inlineArrayEqn
* removeUnusedParameter
* constantLinearSystem
* tearingSystem
* relaxSystem
* countOperations
* dumpComponentsGraphStr
* generateSymbolicJacobian
* generateSymbolicLinearization
* removeUnusedFunctions
* simplifyTimeIndepFuncCalls
* inputDerivativesUsed
* simplifysemiLinear
* removeConstants
* optimizeInitialSystem
* detectJacobianSparsePattern
* calculateStrongComponentJacobians
* calculateStateSetsJacobians
* addInitialStmtsToAlgorithms
+simCodeTarget Sets the target language for the code generation.
Valid options: C, CSharp, Cpp, Adevs, QSS, XML, Java, JavaScript, None
+orderConnections Orders connect equations alphabetically if set.
+t, +typeinfo Prints out extra type information if set.
+a, +keepArrays Sets whether to split arrays or not.
+m, +modelicaOutput Enables valid modelica output for flat modelica.
+q, +silent Turns on silent mode.
+c, +corbaSessionName Sets the name of the corba session if
+d=interactiveCorba is used.
+n, +numProcs Sets the number of processors to use
+l, +latency Sets the latency for parallel execution.
+b, +bandwidth Sets the bandwidth for parallel execution.
+i, +instClass Instantiate the class given by the fully qualified
+v, +vectorizationLimit Sets the vectorization limit, arrays and matrices
larger than this will not be vectorized.
+s, +simulationCg Turns on simulation code generation.
+evalAnnotationParams Sets whether to evaluate parameters in annotations
or not.
+generateLabeledSimCode Turns on labeled SimCode generation for reduction
+reduceTerms Turns on reducing terms for reduction algorithms.
+reductionMethod Sets the reduction method to be used.
Valid options: deletion, substitution, linearization
+plotSilent Defines whether plot commands should open OMPlot
or show the list of arguments that would have
been sent to OMPlot.
+locale Override the locale from the environment.
+o, +defaultOCLDevice Sets the default OpenCL device to be used for
parallel execution.
+maxTraversals Maximal traversals to find simple equations in the
acausal system.
+dumpTarget Redirect the dump to file. If the file ends with
.html HTML code is generated.
+delayBreakLoop Enables (very) experimental code to break
algebraic loops using the delay() operator.
Probably messes with initialization.
+tearingMethod Sets the tearing method to use. Select no tearing
or choose tearing method.
Valid options:
* noTearing
* omcTearing
* cellier
+scalarizeMinMax Scalarizes the builtin min/max reduction operators
if true.
+scalarizeBindings Always scalarizes bindings if set.
+corbaObjectReferenceFilePath Sets the path for corba object reference
file if +d=interactiveCorba is used.
+hpcomScheduler Sets the scheduler for task graph scheduling (list
| listr | level | ext | mcp | taskdep | tds |
none). Default: list.
+tearingHeuristic Sets the tearing heuristic to use for
Valid options:
* MC1
* MC2
* MC11
* MC21
* MC12
* MC22
* MC13
* MC23
* MC231
* MC3
* MC4
+hpcomCode Sets the code-type produced by hpcom (openmp |
pthreads | pthreads_spin | mixed). Default:
+rewriteRulesFile Activates user given rewrite rules for Absyn
expressions. The rules are read from the given
file and are of the form rewrite(fromExp, toExp);
+replaceHomotopy Replaces homotopy(actual, simplified) with the
actual expression or the simplified expression.
Good for debugging models which use homotopy. The
default is to not replace homotopy.
Valid options:
* none
* actual
* simplified
+generateSymbolicJacobian Generates symbolic jacobian matrix, where
der(x) is differentiated w.r.t. x. This matrix
can be used to simulate with dasslColorSymJac.
+generateSymbolicLinearization Generates symbolic linearization matrixes
A,B,C,D for linear model:
\dot x = Ax + Bu
y = Cx +Du
+intEnumConversion Allow Integer to enumeration conversion.
+profiling Sets the profiling level to use. Profiled
equations and functions record execution time and
count for each time step taken by the integrator.
Valid options:
* none
* blocks
* blocks+html
* all
For more details on a specific topic, use +help=topics or help("topics")
* Examples:
omc Model.mo will produce flattened Model on standard output.
omc +s Model.mo will produce simulation code for the model:
* Model.c The model C code.
* Model_functions.c The model functions C code.
* Model.makefile The makefile to compile the model.
* Model_init.xml The initial values.
omc Script.mos will run the commands from Script.mos.
omc Model.mo Modelica will first load the Modelica library and then produce
flattened Model on standard output.
omc Model1.mo Model2.mo will load both Model1.mo and Model2.mo, and produce
flattened Model1 on standard output.
*.mo (Modelica files)
*.mos (Modelica Script files)
For available simulation flags, use +help=simulation.
Documentation is available in the built-in package OpenModelica.Scripting or
online <https://build.openmodelica.org/Documentation/OpenModelica.Scripting.html>.
- LIWenhui
- 21 Posts
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