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Call function external

Call function external


I want to use a function of thermofluid package in my model of thermopower.
I import  ThermoFluid.BaseClasses.MediumModels.SteamIF97;

and in the part equation i call my function
(Ts,hvs,hls,rhovs,rhols) = ThermoFluid.BaseClasses.MediumModels.SteamIF97.boundaryvals_p(p);

But I have a error

ThermoFluid.BaseClasses.MediumModels.SteamIF97.boundaryvals_p not found in scope ThermoPower.Gemco.condenseur (looking for a function or record).
Error: Error occurred while flattening model ThermoPower.Gemco.condenseur

Have I make a error in the synthaxe ?

Best regards

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