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Simulation condenser imbalanced equations

Simulation condenser imbalanced equations

I want simulate a condenser fo power plant. I take a source pressure, a source masse flow, a condenser and a sinkpressure.
When I cheked my system, I had the same nomber of equations and variables.
But I simulated and I obtain a errror :

An independent subset of the model has imbalanced number of equations (29) and variables (30).

I don't understand and I don't know how debugg my model.

Best regards


Re: Simulation condenser imbalanced equations

You can get these types of error-messages because OpenModelica checkModel does not check local balance of models. Consider for example:


model M

  Real x,y,d;
  d = 0;
  x = time + y*d;
  x = sin(time);
end M;

checkModel will tell you this system is fine because it has 3 equations and 3 variables.

But if you try to simulate the model, the compiler tells you it cannot solve for y. (Or that it could not sort for x and y).

I would guess an optimization module transformed your model into something that looks like this and the sanity check caught it.

+d=optdaedump can be used to debug the optimizations when running omc from command-line.

Re: Simulation condenser imbalanced equations

Thank you
It help me

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