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Multi body initialisation

Multi body initialisation

I'm modeling a complex system in modelica.

When I have a simple system it is easy enough to set the start position of a component (as in the mass spring example)

However, when I have a complex body represented by bars, point masses, joints etc, which component will drive the initial position?

I tried setting the initial position of one of my point masses using r_0(start = {a,b,c}) but instead it starts at {0,0,0}.
I have no other start positions defined so I don't see what could be causing this.

Re: Multi body initialisation

For the modeling issue, I have no idea.
As for why r_0 starts at 0:
If you use r_0(start = ...) and you want to force it to remain like that during initialization then use r_0(start = ..., fixed = true).

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