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installation in 64 bits linux machines

installation in 64 bits linux machines

I am exploring modelica and openmodelica capabilities as a beginner. I have installed the windows version of openmodelica and now I want to install it in a 64 bits linux machine, but the linux binaries I have found are just for 32 bits machines.

The question is: where can I find installation instructions for 64 bits linux machines?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Oscar Duarte

Re: installation in 64 bits linux machines


We don't have binaries for 64 bit machines yet.

If you are a skilled Linux user you could compile the source code yourself.
However, compiling from source is not an easy task and not for Linux beginners.

The sources are available via Subversion:
svn co
user: anonymous
pass: none

Then when you get the sources, read and perform the steps in README.Cygwin.or.Linux.txt
If you run into trouble, post here and we'll try to help you.

Adrian Pop/

Re: installation in 64 bits linux machines


Instructions are concise and clear. My installation is working...

Oscar Duarte

Re: installation in 64 bits linux machines

Ups... installation is working but not plotting...

This is the situation:
1) I can run OMShell-terminal and OMNotebook

2) In OMNotebook I can simulate the "HelloWorld" example. The HelloWorld_res.plt is correctly generated by the simulation.

3) If I try plot(x) I get the plotting grid but not the red curve. Instead I get  following error message:
   "unknown error while plotting" 

4) If I try plot(time) I get the plotting grid with the horizontal axes from 0 to 4, no red curve and the following message:
    If I choose "Simulation data" with the right button menu, I can see the "time" as an available variable of size 0 (zero)

5) If I try in console : ./doPlot HelloWorld_res.plt I get a window with the right figure (three curves: time, x, der(x) )

I would appretiate any help!

Thanks in advance

Oscar Duarte

Re: installation in 64 bits linux machines


I also found out about this today (oops, yesterday) and fixed it in revision 5049.
Just update to the latest revision.

$ cd /path/to/trunk
$ svn up
$ make

This should fix the plotting.

Adrian Pop/

Re: installation in 64 bits linux machines

OK. Now it is poltting!

Thanks for all your help! this is an amazing software...

Oscar Duarte

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