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Export FMU of class (submodel)

Export FMU of class (submodel)

Hello everyone,
Currently I’m working on FMU models exporting (and classes) in OpenModelica.
I made a class in OpenModelica, for the one AIMC. The idea was to create a submodel of motor and to add this submodel (class) to the model with sinVoltage power unit.
OM can export the FMU of the model with the  submodel, but there are problems with exporting just that submodel (class of AIMC that I made). What I think is that OM, first of all, can export only classes and models that can be simulated (models with power unit, ground etc.), but can’t export the class that can’t be simulated.
Does anyone have some ideas how to solve this problem and how to export only class (model without power unit etc.). If You are interested in this problem, I will send You class and model that I made and on which currently I work on.
Thanks for help and tips.

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