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Hi Guys,
I am a beginner that just started using OpenModelica. When I try and run the examples given in the user guide (like Hello World) in OMN, I get the warning: "Warning: The initial conditions are not fully specified. Use +d=initialization for more information".
I have changed the setting in OME by going Tools->Options->Simulation->OMC Flags and typing in it +d=initialization. However I still keep getting the warning and I am not sure why.
Could you please give me a hand with this?
Re: +d=initialization
OMNotebook and OMEdit settings are not linked together in any way.
You can use setCommandLineOptions("+d=initialization") in an OMNotebook cell and evaluate that.
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: +d=initialization
Hi Sjoelund.se,
Further to my inquire about the +d=initialization, I wanted to ask regarding the rule that: "The number of variables inside a class should be equall to the number of functions".
I start with defining a class record:
record CelestialBody
constant Real g = 6.672e-11;
parameter Real radius;
parameter String name;
parameter Real mass;
end CelestialBody;
than I define another class:
class Rocket "rocket class"
parameter String name;
Real mass(start=1038.358);
Real altitude(start=59404);
Real velocity(start= -2003);
Real acceleration;
Real thrust; //Thrust force on rocket
Real gravity; //Gravity forcefield
parameter Real massLossRate=0.000277;
equation (thrust-mass*gravity)/mass = acceleration;
der (mass) = -massLossRate*abs(thrust);
der (altitude) = velocity;
der (velocity) = acceleration;
end Rocket;
and at the end:
class MoonLanding
parameter Real force1 = 36350;
parameter Real force2 = 1308;
parameter Real thrustEndTime = 210;
parameter Real thrustDecreaseTime = 43.2;
Rocket apollo(name="apollo13");
CelestialBody moon(name="moon",mass=7.372e22,radius=1.738e6);
apollo.thrust = if (time < thrustDecreaseTime) then force1
else if (time < thrustEndTime) then force2
else 0;
end MoonLanding;
I simulate the last class and everything is fine. Nonetheless the number of eqautions in class MoonLanding is not eqaul to the number of variables. Also in class Rocket the same is true however the code complies and gives me the desired result. I am not sure how this follows the rule that I mentioned at the beginning?
Re: +d=initialization
Yes, to pass balanced model checking (which OpenModelica does not yet perform), I believe some of the variables in Rocket would have to be marked "input".
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: +d=initialization
Thanks for the reply. But is it possible to use "input" inside a "class" because from my understanding "inputs" and "outputs" are only used inside a "function".
Also I wanted to ask, I am having problems with new files that I open in OMN. For some odd reason when I try to input "New Cells", the programe freezez. I close the file, saving my work, but when I open it it shows only empty cells with no code written in them.
Re: +d=initialization
https://trac.openmodelica.org/OpenModelica/newticket select component OMNotebook.
And yes, models can have inputs. Blocks are specialized models that have only input/output public variables. (As opposed to models, which are more generic)
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: +d=initialization
Hi sjoelund.se
I have this simple piece of code:
class HelloWorld
Real x(start=1);
end HelloWorld;
try and simulate it and I get :
record SimulationResult
resultFile = "HelloWorld_res.mat",
messages = ""
end SimulationResult;
"Warning: Assuming fixed start value for the following 1 variables:
x:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 ) .HelloWorld, .Real type: Real
I managed to get rid of the warning by using:
Real x(start=1, fixed=true);
However I do not understand why this happens. Why when I use the "fixed=true" command I do not get a warning? And also I used the command "setCommandLineOptions("+d=initialization") but I do not understand what it performs?
Re: +d=initialization
By default, fixed=false. This means you need to add an initial equation in order for the initial conditions to be fully specified.
Fixed=true means "use the start-value as initial condition".
setCommandLineOptions("+d=initialization") just adds more details to the warnings. Some working models have several thousand underspecified initial conditions, so they are hidden by default. It's good to fully specify the initial conditions since otherwise we might find another valid (unexpected) solution.
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: +d=initialization
Thanks for the reply.
Regarding the question that I had before about the number of equations not being equal to the number of variables in the "MoonLanding" example, I think that there is no need to mark some of the values in class "Rocket" as inputs.
My understanding is that the whole system has 6 variables overall (all of them contained in the class "Rocket") and 6 equations overall ( 4 of them in class "Rocket" and 2 of them in class "MoonLanding") . Is this the case?
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