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Modelica stops responding while saving

Modelica stops responding while saving

Sometimes when I write some code lines and I am trying to save the model, OM stops responding and therefore I have to kill it. I am using OM on Ubuntu.

Did anybody encounter such problem before?

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Oh, and I receive this when the program crashes:

OMEdit crashed with SIGSEGV in QMdiArea::resizeEvent()

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Which revision are you using?


Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

I use: 17628

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Thats too old. The current revision is 19035. Update to latest.
If you still encounter the same issue then report it on


Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Thank you for your answer. Now I have another problem. I am trying to install the new version from here> openmodelica-i386-19024.tar.xz

but when I extract it and go to /usr/bin/OMEdit, it runs but it says that the revision is still this one: 17628. What should I do in this case?

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

The new version doesn't include omc in the tar.xz directly. You need to symlink /usr/bin/omc-rml or /usr/bin/omc-bootstrapped to /usr/bin/omc for it to work.

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Okay! I've done that. Now I cannot open it anymore. I use

sudo ln extraction_folder/usr/bin/omc-bootstrapped /usr/bin/omc

and first it says that it already exists. Then I overwrite it and now I have another error:

Unable to find OMEdit server, Object reference file

/tmp/OpenModelica/OMEdit/openmodelica.hp.objid.OMEdit102a213dc3ea79534139211174235202500000021250077104222396 not created.

OMEdit will close.

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Try running /usr/bin/omc ++v. If it's not working OMEdit will not work either.

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

If I try to run omc, I get this:

./omc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

So where are you running it from? The rpath should find the shared library relative to the executable (uses rpath origin). For me it looks like:


$ ldd /usr/bin/omc => /usr/bin/../lib/omc/ (0x00007fc71ad8a000) => /usr/bin/../lib/omc/ (0x00007fc717db3000)

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

The omc I was running from /usr/bin/ on filesystem. If I print the libraries, I get, among other standard ones, this:


hp@hp-hp-xw6600-workstation:/usr/bin$ ldd /usr/bin/omc =>  (0xb77b4000) => /usr/bin/../lib/omc/ (0xb77aa000) => /usr/bin/../lib/omc/ (0xb771b000)

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Looking at the start of the thread... If you are using Ubuntu, why are you using the tar.xz instead of apt-get?

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

That's how I got it in the first place. I have followed the instructions from here:

but I got the old version. How do I install the new version by using apt-get?

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Check your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmodelica.list - it should contain one of the entries. The nightly installs the latest.

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Okay. It was:

and now I switch to


sudo apt-get install openmodelica

it gives this:

Err quantal/nightly omnotebook i386 18855-1
  404  Not Found


Failed to fetch … 1_i386.deb  404  Not Found

I have checked also on your server and on contrib-quantal there is no 18855 version.

Besides, I can see that the nightly distribution has 18855 revision and not 19****.

Re: Modelica stops responding while saving

Now it's easier to explain current/smile We don't build packages for 12.10 any longer. I intended to keep the repository working, but it seems the clean-up script removed some of the packages anyway...

This is a list of the currently built images:

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