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simulate() options

simulate() options

Does someone know where I can find a more detailed description for the following parameters of the simulate() command?
I notice a difference only if I change the first one.
Thanks in advance,

Re: simulate() options

outputInterval and fixedStepSize do not exist in OpenModelica
numberOfIntervals changes the step size (why it's not called stepSize, I do not know). anyway, step size ~ (stopTime-startTime)/numberOfIntervals
tolerance is used in dassl (it knows how large an error there is from integrating a derivative); I'm unsure if it's used when solving non-linear systems or the like
method = "euler" "rungekutta" "dassl" "dassl2" "inline-euler" or "inline-rungekutta" (default dassl). Newer omc versions give an error if it finds that you select an unsupported solver.

Re: simulate() options

Thank you very much for reply.
I'm working in interactive mode..In this case numberOfIntervals, according to the Guide, sets the number of outputs ( and results given ? ) per second..Is that correct?


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