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Bidirectional flow valve Model
Bidirectional flow valve Model
Here is a Valve model that is giving me problem when I try if equations in it to allow reverse flows. I am aware concepts related to flow reversals have been covered extensively in many of Modelica presentations that explain Streams. This is my attempt to understand them through simple examples.
When I try to use this model "omc" complains that the system is under determined .... needing two more equations. But I am unable to see what other eqns. are needed here.
The model works fine if I replaced the conditional equations with the equations that are in the (deltaP>0) case. (as long as I don't get into reverse flow conditions and that is what I expected).
My aim is to make the valve work in both flow directions.
[model Valve
// A simple Valve (that permits bidirectional flow)
replaceable package Medium = PartialSimpleIdealGasMedium ;
FluidPort inlet (redeclare package Medium = Medium) ;
FluidPort outlet (redeclare package Medium = Medium) ;
parameter Real cv = 1.0 / sqrt(1e5) ;
Medium.ThermodynamicState state ;
// No change in Enthalpy in the Valve
inlet.h_outflow = inStream(outlet.h_outflow) ; // when flow from out to in
outlet.h_outflow = inStream(inlet.h_outflow) ; // inlet to outlet
inlet.Xi_outflow = inStream(outlet.Xi_outflow) ; // pass composition un_altered
outlet.Xi_outflow = inStream(inlet.Xi_outflow) ; //
// Mass balance
inlet.m_flow + outlet.m_flow = 0 ;
// Pressure difference drives the flow
if ( inlet.p > outlet.p ) then
state = Medium.setState_phX(inlet.p, inStream(inlet.h_outflow), inStream(inlet.Xi_outflow)) ;
inlet.m_flow = Medium.density(state) * cv * sqrt(inlet.p - outlet.p) ;
state = Medium.setState_phX(outlet.p, inStream(outlet.h_outflow), inStream(outlet.Xi_outflow)) ;
outlet.m_flow = Medium.density(state) * cv * sqrt(outlet.p - inlet.p) ; // Typical valve behaviour
end if ;
end Valve;
- ravi
- 32 Posts
Re: Bidirectional flow valve Model
I think I figured out what the problem is. Looks as though if equations work only on variables with variability of "parameter". For dynamic variables, one need to resort to if expressions. When I modified the above code with these lines the model compiled and worked fine.
state = if (inlet.p > outlet.p) then Medium.setState_phX(inlet.p, inStream(inlet.h_outflow), inStream(inlet.Xi_outflow))
else Medium.setState_phX(outlet.p, inStream(outlet.h_outflow), inStream(outlet.Xi_outflow));
inlet.m_flow = if (inlet.p > outlet.p) then Medium.density(state) * cv * sqrt(inlet.p - outlet.p)
else - Medium.density(state) * cv * sqrt(outlet.p - inlet.p);
I am not sure if this was made clear in the manuals. Would appreciate if Modelica experts confirm my observation. It would have been more appropriate for omc to spew out an error message explicitly stating that it is ignoring the if eqns. when conditional variable has higher variability than "parameter".
- ravi
- 32 Posts
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