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winmosh console?

winmosh console?

I downloaded OpenModelica 1.9.0 beta4, and I am reading the Users Guide

I see this note:
Note: Under Windows the output emitted into stdout by system commands is put into the winmosh console
windows, not into the winmosh interaction windows. Thus the text emitted by the above cat command would
not be returned. Only a success code (0 = success, 1 = failure) is returned to the winmosh window.

I opened OMS from the Start menu, but where can I see the Winmosh console that would return the output of the system commands? Is there a way to redirect them into the interactive shell, or otherwise retrieve them?


Re: winmosh console?

There is no winmosh.
That was a really old OpenModelica Shell. Use OMShell (OpenModelica Shell instead).

If you want to see the output of system commands you need to redirect them to files:


system("command > file.txt 2>&1");

but I would really suggest you use command line instead.


> command
> omc script.mos
> command

Adrian Pop/

Re: winmosh console?

Thank you very much Adrian!

Maybe the information about it should be removed from the User guide. I haven't checked yet, but if the user guide is built from a latex file, I could remove that portion and submit a patch for you if it is possible. Let me know.

-Travis Ayres

Re: winmosh console?

trayres wrote:

t if the user guide is built from a latex file, I could remove that portion and submit a patch for you if it is possible

I wish it was current/sad Stupid Word-document!

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