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redeclare an inner component

redeclare an inner component


I have the impression that OMEdit does keep the inner prefix in a redeclare. 
So I have in model A :

inner replaceable InnerModel;

And in model B I have:

extends A(redeclare AnotherInnerModel InnerModel);

But when I want to run model B, I get the following error:
No corresponding inner declaration found ...

Is this a bug in OMEdit, or am I trying to do something that is not supported by the Modelica specs?


Re: redeclare an inner component


Please give a complete example if you have one as is not very clear how your redeclare in exends looks like.
Is it a component redeclaration? Is it a class redeclaration?
This might be a bug but to debug it we need a complete model.

Adrian Pop/

Re: redeclare an inner component

Hi Adrian,

Enclosed you find my library.  The package contains many models that are not correct because I'm in the middle of a redesign.  The model that should run but raises the error about a missing inner is called FastBuildings.Buildings.SZ_Design.

I hope this helps,

EDIT: I'm not able to upload my library it seems.  You can find it here: …

Re: redeclare an inner component


Enclosed where?
Maybe it would be easier to report this as a bug in our trac as there you can attach files:
Just click on New Ticket.
Alternatively you can send me an email at the address you can find here:

Adrian Pop/

Re: redeclare an inner component

Sorry for the confusion, I edited my answer and included a link to a shared file on dropbox.

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