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Sep-09-20 14:05:55
Having issues on the OM side getting these two programs to speak to each other...

I'm currently working in Cameo Systems Modeler, which natively supports "integrating" OpenModelica. This lets .mo files be executed within a Cameo simulation run (by externally evaluating them via an OpenModelica Java interface). In order for them to integrate, I need modelica_java.jar to be in my %OMInstall%/share/omc/java folder, but upon install it's not there. I'm not sure if it is included with the normal install, but some searching I did seemed to indicate that it should have been...regardless, I then tried cloning the OMJava repo ( and compiling that using make, but I'm getting numerous errors about specific aspects of the build using deprecated commands, and other Java errors related to the source code. I'm not too familiar with Java, so I was wondering if anyone here had any ideas for a workaround on how to get the modelica_java.jar file compiled, or if there's possibly somewhere I could get it pre-compiled for my version of OM? Or, does anyone know if perhaps that repo is outdated with regards to newer versions of Java? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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