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I'm trying to loop through a vector of models, but I am getting a UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPT error.

Here is some of the related code:


House houses[10];

    fixed_cost := 0;
    for k in 1:10 loop
      fixed_cost := fixed_cost + houses[k].economic_out.fixed_cost; 
    end for;

omc gives the following error:


EnergySimTest.cpp:1852: error: ‘$Phouses$lBUNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPT$rB$Peconomic_out$Pfixed_cost’ was not declared in this scope

I have checked to see that replacing [k] with [1], [2], etc. works.

Is modelica unable to dynamically generate iterators for a vector of models? (I know it works for a vector of Reals)

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