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Jun-09-20 15:32:19
problem with the include
Category: Developer

I wanted to simulate <vector> objects in openmodelica but, it shows me the following error:

fatal error: vector: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Thank you for your help.

May-29-20 01:04:15
recipe for target 'omc_main_target' failed
Category: Developer

I had this manufacturer error when generating the FMU:

model_moyenne_me_FMU_01exo.o: model_moyenne_me_FMU_01exo.c current/sad. text + 0x1f): undefined reference to `omc_model__moyenne__me__FMU_FMI2ModelExchange_destructor '
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
model_moyenne_me_FMU.makefile: 32: recipe for target 'omc_main_target' failed
mingw32-make: *** [omc_main_target] Error 1
mingw32-make: Leaving directory 'C: / Users / F379876 / DOCUME ~ 1 / Project / EXEMPL ~ 1 / MODEL_ ~ 2 / MODEL_ ~ 1 / MODEL_ ~ 1'
Compilation process failed. Exited with code 2.

Thank you for your help.

May-25-20 22:09:08
Erreur de Simulation basée sur FMI


j'ai roncontré une erreur lors de l'application de Exemple "Interface de maquette fonctionnelle - FMI", au moment de simulation je trouve toujours la meme erreur :

"#[BouncingBall_me_FMU: 70:7-70:37]: Operator reinit may only be used in the body of a when equation."

Merci de votre aide.

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