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Greetings at everyone,

my current project is to export parameters of a trivial rc circuit simulation from OpenModelica to thrid-party software. The export as csv file works fine, but the time vector is quite strange. For example, my simulation time starts at 0 and ends at 1 second with 100 steps. This would lead to an interval of 0.01
I now expect as output time vector: 0 -> 0.01 -> 0.02 ...
But I get 136 values total with multiple repetitive time steps. e.g.

time vector:

Still problematic are different current/voltage values for the same time stamp.
The "equidistant time grid" option doesn't change anything for me.
If I disable "store variables at events" my output vector only containts 94 values total. In this case some of the time values are missing.

Is there a possibility to get a correct time vector with the interval I have chosen?

Thank you all for your help.

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