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Jun-04-18 15:01:28
WheelsAndTires-release & MultiBondLib & MotorcycleLib can't open

Hi salokin,
I had reported this issue to OpenModelica.
The management replied me

The Motorcycle library was developed at Politecnico di Milano 12 years ago, using Dymola. At the time, Modelica 2.2.x and the corresponding Modelica Standard Library were used, which had a lot of issues w.r.t. with portability to other Modelica tools.
Eventually, version 3.2 rev2 of the language and the corresponding Modelica Standard Library 3.2.1 were released in 2013, which are fully supported by OpenModelica, as well as by other Modelica tools.

And I also wrote a letter to the writer of MotorcycleLib
He replied me

the library was developed in 2009. It uses the following libraries:


So, unfortunately, it wouldn't be enough to just upgrade the MotorcycleLib. You should also know that all the single track vehicles in the library are based on multi-bond graphs (MultiBondLib) and bond graphs (BondLib) and partly on the WheelsAndTires library. Furthermore, we developed the MotorcycleLib in Dymola and never tested it with OpenModelica since it was simply not possibly at that time.

Basically, you have these options:
Try to find an older version of Dymola that supports all the libraries used in the MotorcycleLib, e.g. Dymola V6.1 or V7.
Use the corresponding master’s thesis ( … tt_ms.pdf) and rebuild the models using the Multibody Library which is part of the Modelica Standard Library (MSL). Of course you have to modify some function but that should be feasible. This, I would say, is the only chance to get it work with OpenModelica.
Best regards


Have you have any idea about upgrade those libraries?
I am look forward for your reply.

May-04-18 10:36:05
WheelsAndTires-release & MultiBondLib & MotorcycleLib can't open

I update to lastest nightly build version 1.13.0.
But the MotorcycleLib was been removed.
So I go to Modelica Association to download MotorcycleLib.
When I open it, it still have error.    ([32] 18:14:21 Syntax Error [C:/Users/USER/Downloads/ModelicacycleLib/MotorcycleLib-release/MotorcycleLib 1.0/ 1:0-1:6]: Parser error: Unexpected token near: import (IMPORT))

I know you want me to revise Qt library.
But I didn't see any file named as "MainWindow.cpp" or even the path "OMEditGUI".

Or I need to download "OMEdit-master",but how can I load "MainWindow.cpp" into OpenModelica.

Sorry about asking many questions, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Apr-25-18 09:27:41
WheelsAndTires-release & MultiBondLib & MotorcycleLib can't open

Hi,thanks for answer my question.
But I still don't know how to revise it.
Can you show more detail or which file I need to change.

Apr-23-18 07:28:17
WheelsAndTires-release & MultiBondLib & MotorcycleLib can't open

I want to use those libraries
so I check  File -> System Libraries  -> MultiBondLib
but it have error ( No viable alternative near token: MultiBondLib)
so did  MotorcycleLib and  WheelsAndTires-release
How could i fix it?

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