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Mar-07-18 14:17:22
The problem is structurally singular. It has 1220 scalar unknowns and 1220 scalar equations.

For people who might see this with the same problem: : … ola-model/

Mar-07-18 14:16:38
"the model is structurally singular" is the alarm message that block model simulation
Category: Programming

For people who might see this with the same problem: … ola-model/

This response is ofcourse way to late for it to be of use for you, but maybe someone else.

I've started modelica a couple of months ago for the same purpose. And what i've found is that (re)declaring a medium is a manual job in OpenModelica. In dymola you get a dropdown menu. If I understand right from the ticket, this feature will be added with OpenModelica 2.0. My experience up till now is that its impossible to use modelica without using the text editor and reading what happens within the model.

I've had the same experiences with fluidheatflow and fluid libraries and I would advise downloading the DCOL library and buildings library for their examples.

Feb-10-18 11:21:49
Some models take significant time to translate/compile

I think they mean they used mulitple computers that do multiple simulations. Not that multiple computers are working together on the same simulation. But the paper is really old compared to the lifetime of openmodelica. Maybe it's possible.

Jan-25-18 14:21:05
Some models take significant time to translate/compile

Very late reaction, but if you're as new to openmodelica as I am, look for "An Analysis of Performance-critical Properties of Modelica Models", which introduction nicely explains what's happening during frontend/backend/compiling.

If you cannot find said article, you can try looking for:
Cellier, F.E. and Kofman, E. (2006). Continuous system simulation. Springer.
Fritzson, P. (2010). Principles of object-oriented modeling and simulation with Modelica 2.1. John Wiley & Sons.

Which are also named in the article as good references

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