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ok i see but this is really complicated considering the different connections between all the different OpenModelica components so i was wonder is there any command to get the connection between two components for example something like getConnectionType(resistor1,resistor2).
Ok really appreciate your help. Thank you so much.
I mean they way components are connected. For example resistor can be connected in series or in parallel, is there anyway to get this type of connection.
Im trying to return the model in a more structured way, so when i execute the command getNthConnection(dcmotor, 1) for example i get ("resistor1.n","inductor1.p"). I understand that ".n" and ".p" are interfaces but how i do get that interfaces and their type and how to know the connection between them and the connection type. Is there any way to do this.
Hi Adeel.
Thank you for your help the last time. I wonder if you can tell me if any command return the connection type or the connector type or the interface used for the connection. Also wonder if any command return an image in byte array or any image format like .jpg to store it.
Hope you can help me with that.
Ok thank you really appreciate your help was really useful.
Ok. Thank you for you reply. I didn't think combining getConnectionCount with getNthConnection(model, index) great idea, but with getComponnets(model) i got an issue and that is i need the components attributes, i already try with getElementsInfo(model) is usefull but got the same problem with not retrieving attributes. If you can help me with this, i really appreciate.
Thank you.
I'm trying to retrieve all the elements and connections from a model through OMC expression. I try with list(model) expression the result is ok, but i wonder is there any expression to retrieve all this information in a more structured way.
Thank you.
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