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Dec-09-17 18:06:48
Category: Programming

So if I have the same number for the entire month, I just need to put the smoothness as ConstantSegments? I'll try it! Thanks!

Dec-09-17 08:55:23
Category: Programming

By inputs I mean flow rate. The flow rate is different in different months. They are just numbers not equations.

I did like "if mod(time,365)>=0 and mod(time,365)<31 then Q=**" as the input for January and so on.

It works. But to cover a whole year 12 ifs must be written. So I'm thinking there must be an easier way to do this. However I'm just a starter...

Can you help me with it if you know any?


Dec-08-17 13:06:49
Category: Programming

Hi I´m a Modelica starter and now I need to write a program with different inputs in different months.

The only way I can think of is to use " if " statement, which would be very long.

Is there any other way to achieve this function?


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