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Thank you for your answer. It helps me a lot.
I am studying on it.
Thanks again.
Thank you for your answer ! It helps me a lot .
Now I can solve the problem by the command-line Invakation.
About the Client-Server , where can I find the C++ sources on how to start OMC in server mode and about the C# CORBA implementation .
Looking forward to your answer ! Thanks.
In the OpenModelica System Documentation,there are two methods to invoke omc which are Command-line Invokation and Client-Server Architecture.Can I solve the problem by the command-line Invakation?
I want to make a GUI in C# which can send parameters to openmodelica and get results from openmodelica.
Is it possible to do this?
If possible , how should I do ?
Looking forward to your answer !
Do you konw how to achieve it in C#? Thank you.
When I established a pump model,the code is as follows:
model ActualPump
annotation(Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{ -100, -100},{100,100}})), Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{ -100, -100},{100,100}})));
extends Actuator.Interfaces.TwoPorts;
parameter Real Dp = 1e-06 / (2 * 3.14);
Actuator.SIunits.AngularVelocity w;
Actuator.Interfaces.Flange_b f annotation(Placement(transformation(origin = { -108.0,0.0}, extent = {{ -129.0, -21.0},{ -87.0,21.0}}), iconTransformation(origin = { -100.0, -5.0}, extent = {{ -109.0, -14.0},{ -91.0,4.0}})));
w = f.phi;
q = der(w) * Dp;
f.tau = P * Dp;
end ActualPump;
partial model TwoPorts
annotation(Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{ -100, -100},{100,100}}), graphics = {Text(lineColor = {0,0,204}, extent = {{33,184},{209,71}}, textString = "%name")}), Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{ -100, -100},{100,100}})));
Actuator.SIunits.Pressure P;
Actuator.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate q;
Actuator.Interfaces.FlowPort_a flowportA annotation(Placement(transformation(origin = {1.0, -108.0}, extent = {{ -20.0, -129.0},{22.0, -87.0}}), iconTransformation(origin = {2.0, -120.0}, extent = {{ -19.0, -141.0},{23.0, -99.0}})));
Actuator.Interfaces.FlowPort_b flowportB annotation(Placement(transformation(origin = { -1.0,108.0}, extent = {{ -22.0,87.0},{20.0,129.0}}), iconTransformation(origin = {1.0,121.0}, extent = {{ -20.0,100.0},{22.0,142.0}})));
P = flowportA.P - flowportB.P;
0 = flowportA.q + flowportB.q;
q = flowportA.q;
end TwoPorts;
When I simulated the model,there is an error:
" Error:Model is structually singular,error found sorting equations 0.0=0.0; for variables "
I don't know the reason.Who can help me? Thank you very much.
I want to develop a soft by C# to contorl the simulation in openmodelica. The parameters of components, the times of simulation and the simulation time can all be set in the soft. And the results can be read by the soft.
I think first I should research the the interface between C# and openmodelica.
But I don't know how to achieve it?
Can someone help me?
Thank you very much.
Thank you for you answer !
It helps me a lot !
Thank you very much..
When generating a random number, I want to treat the clock value ( the current time) as the seed.
But I don't know how to get the clock value ( the current time) in OM.
Can someone help me?
Thank you very much.
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