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Hi, dear friend,
I am a graduate student of Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am working on Modeling and Simulation. Recently I am working on a research project which needs to call some functions in OpenModelica such as index reduction methods, BLT methods, etc. But these methods are implemented in Modelica language, our project is implemented in C++. Can I call these functions in OpenModelica from our C++ project or transform these functions in Modelica to C/C++ version code ?

I have tried the function generateCode which is described as API/command in 'Open Modelica User Guide'. But it seems not work.
such as write the command in OpenModelica Shell

I also tried the omc +s method which is described in 'Open Modelica System Document', but it seems not work.

I want to ask that if it is possible to generate the C code of functions which is written in Modelica, and which is the proper way to do this.

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