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Jan-29-20 03:58:07
BeagleBone Black processor board

Hi all,

Is this only a simulation software package, and not with hardware interaction like Simulink?

I haven't found much information with processor hardware development, and no one's replied to my question for a few years.

Does everyone have to rely on Simulink for transferring a model to code and controller board?


Oct-16-14 06:24:07
BeagleBone Black processor board

Hi all,

My name is Fisher, I'm a university research student in Brisbane, Australia.

I'm doing a project with the BeagleBone Black from

Its based on a TI ARM Cortex-A8 1GHz processor with some 3D graphics and most importantly 2 x 200 MHz realtime processor cores called PRU or programmable realtime unit.

I have not used Open modelica yet but would like to know if its possible to program embedded boards like one can in Simulink from Mathworks.

Mathworks has only just last week released some official support for the BeableBone Black board but one has to get the newer version R2014b and I will need to still do my own custom development to use the PRU and maybe some other features.

One is not allowed to know how Mathworks implemented any of their hardware support packages and can only use certain hardware easily if Mathworks makes the support package for their board.

I've used Simulink with Arduino and Raspberry Pi and its very easy to drag and drop blocks, click one button for Simulink to convert to code, compile and send to board.

Its all very easy if there is an official support package for Simulink, though I'm still looking further into how one implements extra low level features they want that Mathworks didn't.

I would much prefer to use open modelica than Simulink/Matlab if its stable and works well for embedded development.  I would then be able to know how everything works and is implemented and not waste time waiting for a company do add or fix features and not even know if they are really going to since their support people just say that the developers know about it but cannot say if they are looking into it as they have other stuff to do  current/wink

How do I find out if Open Modelica will work for me or what I will need to do?

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