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Jan-31-13 16:34:33
problem executing on Win7 X64 machine

I did as you proposed. Interesting to see that on all my machines (4) with win 7 x64 I get the same results! If I uninstall Openmodelica V1.9 and reinstall Openmodelica 1.8.1 the problems run ok! Below the results from checkSettings:

record OpenModelica.Scripting.CheckSettingsResult
    OPENMODELICAHOME = "C:/OpenModelica1.9.0/",
    OPENMODELICALIBRARY = "C:/OpenModelica1.9.0/lib/omlibrary",
    OMC_PATH = "C:/OpenModelica1.9.0//bin/omc.exe",
    OMDEV_PATH = "",
    OMC_FOUND = true,
    WORKING_DIRECTORY = "C:/Users/Chris/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenModelica",
    OS = "Windows_NT",
    SYSTEM_INFO = "windows32 Ceres 2.6.1 7601 i686-pc Intel unknown MinGW
    RTLIBS = " -static-libgcc -luuid -lole32 -lws2_32 -lsundials_kinsol -lsundials_nvecserial -llapack-mingw",
    C_COMPILER = "gcc",
    HAVE_CORBA = true,
    CONFIGURE_CMDLINE = "Manually created Makefiles for OMDev"
end OpenModelica.Scripting.CheckSettingsResult;

Jan-31-13 11:19:28
problem executing on Win7 X64 machine

Dear Adrian,
I uninstalled beta 3 downloaded the latest nightly build and installed it:
I received the same error message as before:
record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "",
    messages = "Simulation failed for model: HelloWorld
Error: Error building simulator. Buildlog: gcc   -falign-functions -msse2 -mfpmath=sse   -I\"C:/OpenModelica1.9.0//include/omc\" -I.    -c -o HelloWorld.o HelloWorld.c
gcc   -falign-functions -msse2 -mfpmath=sse   -I\"C:/OpenModelica1.9.0//include/omc\" -I.    -c -o HelloWorld_records.o HelloWorld_records.c
mingw32-make: *** [HelloWorld_records.o] Error 1

end SimulationResult;
I wanted to mention that all example which are in OpenModel Notebook use simulation instead of simulate.
thank you for your help
Chris Nabold

Jan-31-13 10:00:30
problem executing on Win7 X64 machine

I use Windows 7 SP1 X64bit version, i7 processor, 20MB memory. The case I am trying to solve is from OpenModelica Notebook with one change insted of simulation I use simulate
I receive the following error message:
record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "",
    simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 4.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 0.000001, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'HelloWorld', storeInTemp = false, noClean = false, options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', measureTime = false, cflags = '', simflags = ''",
    messages = "Simulation failed for model: HelloWorld
Error: Error building simulator. Buildlog: gcc   -falign-functions -msse2 -mfpmath=sse   -I\"C:/OpenModelica1.9.0//include/omc\" -I.    -c -o HelloWorld.o HelloWorld.c
gcc   -falign-functions -msse2 -mfpmath=sse   -I\"C:/OpenModelica1.9.0//include/omc\" -I.    -c -o HelloWorld_records.o HelloWorld_records.c
mingw32-make: *** [HelloWorld_records.o] Error 1

    timeFrontend = 0.0,
    timeBackend = 0.0,
    timeSimCode = 0.0,
    timeTemplates = 0.0,
    timeCompile = 0.0,
    timeSimulation = 0.0,
    timeTotal = 0.0
end SimulationResult;

Can anybody help?

Jan-30-13 09:00:15
problem executing on Win7 X64 machine

I tried Hello World from the delivered Open Modelica Notebook. I tried both simulation and simulate - both with the same result.

Jan-29-13 22:20:54
problem executing on Win7 X64 machine

I downloaded and installed Open Modelica 1.9.0 beta 3 and tried to execute the hello world example.
Open Modelica Notebook seems to hang and after a long time errors After simulate .. I receive the following error messages (see below pdf file).
If I run the same example with Open Modelica 1.8.1 the problem runs ok

Mar-17-11 21:22:35
Error when starting OMNotebook

When I start OMNotebook V1.6.1 I receive the following error message:
in main(), exception
OmcInteractiveEnvironment(): no connection to OMC established
This happens both on a Winxp SP3 and a Vista system (win32)

Jul-29-10 15:40:37
Print out of variables after an event occured

class Spacecraft
  Real y0(start=7.15014E6);
  Real y1(start=0);
  Real y2(start=0);
  Real y3(start=0.937045E-3);
  der(y0) = y1;
  der(y1) = y0*y3*y3-3.9860E14/(y0*y0);
  der(y2) = y3;
  der(y3) = -2.0*y1*y3/y0;
end Spacecraft;

The spacecraft hits earth when y0=6.37814E6. How can the simulation be stopped when the spacecraft hits earth. How can I print out the time and the values of the remaining variables y1,y2,y3 ?
Thank you for your help

Jul-29-10 15:33:15
What integration methods are available and how can they be selected.

To integrate a model the simulate command is beeing used.
What integration methods are available? What is the default method?
Ho can an integration method be selected?
Thank you for your help

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