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May-25-13 20:27:31
Topic: Matrix

Svp is what you can give me a small example to construct a matrix that contains some values even and odd under Modelica. 
Of advance I thank you infinitely

Please is what you can tell me (with a small example) the keyword annotation;
or if you povez explain this example: annotation(Icon(graphics = {Rectangle(extent = {{-60,62},{58,-44}}, lineColor = {0,0,255}, fillColor = {255,0,0}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid)}));
Thank you very much.

In the case of a program, that there is a trick to metter in place to define the parameters (data) in a single folder (program) and the results to calculate (production) to another folder (program).
(file parameter or give) up (system program) followed (file résulatats).
In advance thank you very much.

I have a problem with the varible flow during the programing in Modelica, the software always takes me this varible flow = 0 (voulumique or mass flow);
Please could you give me a small example so that I can analyze things.
In advance thank you very much.

class Boucle.Flow
  parameter Real q(quantity = "VolumeFlowRate", unit = "m3/s", start = 10.0);
  Real T(quantity = "ThermodynamicTemperature", unit = "K", displayUnit = "degC", min = 0.0);
  Real p(quantity = "Pressure", unit = "Pa", displayUnit = "bar");
  q = 0.0;
end Boucle.Flow;

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