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Hello Akram.
It seems that you make a lot of research to find my post in different Modelica forums.
Yes I developed already a small library to establish communication using sockets and to synchronize with 3rd party simulation tools and OpenModelica.
I can give you this link of my PHD thesis. it is in French, I am soory. You will find some code that you need to establish your server socket in OpenModelica .
Good luck.
My collegue developepd a simple opensource tool to extract data from big plt files generated from OpenModelica for complex models. You can select which variable to plot or to export its data and you can also sample your data results also to generate a less big plt file. If you are interested he can give you the tool or post a direct link to download it in the forum.
Best Regards,
In the past, I used external socket functions to make communication between OpenModelica and an external tool. The best idea is to use the sample() function. In this way you are sure to obtain your data at a precise time corresponding to your sample. If you want to send data to OpenModelica, it will work too.
Could you give more information about your project?
Hope this help.
I never used the interactive mode and I don't know how it works. I am just giving an explanation on how the DASSL solver used within OpenModelica works.
For the statement below :
buildModel(modelname, startTime=0, stopTime=1, numberOfIntervals=500, tolerance=1e-4, storeInTemp=false, method="dassl", outputFormat="plt")
The DASSL solver will take Tstop = 1, and Tout is equal to [1/500, 2/500, 3/500,...,500/500 = 1]. The initial time is equal to 0. The solver will interpolate and give you state values at these instants.
May be an OpenModelica developper could confirm this.
Best Regards,
Hi De Filippo,
When using DASSl solver, we could give a Tstop and Tout parameters to the solver. In this case, Tout = Tout + (Tstop / numberOfIntervals) with Tout=0 before starting the simulation. So the solver will interpolate to give you state values at each interval. Hope this can help you.
Best regards,
Thank you Adrian for answering.
I taked a look on to the Euler solver implemented in OpenModelica and it calls zero crossing functions. It outputs reults at fixed steps but iterations are done in the fixed step too.
Best Regards,
i have a problem to understand how openmodelica handles events when using a fixed integration step.
When processing a continous DAE, is there a mechanism monitoring constantly all the conditions? An event may occur between two fixed steps of integration.. This event is handled, and its time event is calculated. So, in this case, did openmodelica adapt its fixed step to the time event? In this case, the "fixed" step changes... and we can not say that we have a fixed integration step... It is a bit confusing to understand.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Hi all,
I would to know if the OpenModelica implemented the statselect attribute for static state selection?
I would to know also how to generate the flattened modelica code. (In dymola dsmodel.mof).
Thank you in advance.
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