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Usage of .mos files among engineering users.

Usage of .mos files among engineering users.

Hello all, I'm designing an application which invokes simulation via batch mode.  I'm wondering whether .mos files are the standard means by which Open Modelica simulations are run.

That is, do most (engineering) users utilize:

C:\>omc myMOS.mos

Would it be safe to make the assumption that OpenModelica users will be familiar with and utilize .mos scripts?

Re: Usage of .mos files among engineering users.

I see more (Windows) engineers use OMShell while Linux users use omc command-line more often.

Using the command runScript("myMOS.mos") works fine from OMShell anyway.

Re: Usage of .mos files among engineering users.

But would it be a safe assumption to say that engineering users are familiar and utilize .mos files?

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